Hey all droppers!
We are slowly moving towards 1 terra byte of total Dead Drop storage! Yeah!! Time to get you guys opinion on some upcoming features. We are planing to introduce 2 new Drop types: wireless drops and live drops. Wireless speaks for itself. There are a couple wireless sharing projects out there, why not mapping out wireless drops of on the dead drops platform? I want to see more pirate boxes! A live drop is new feature I am personally very interested in but not sure if you guys out there will go for it?
In contrary to the dead drop a live drop means to meet in person! (Like in a movie scene: slipping over the envelope hidden in a newspaper while looking at the ducks, meeting on a park bench with some other spy…) Imagine: You could announce a live drop for a certain spot and time, i.e. in a cafe where you would hang out a couple hours (Berlin-stlye) and everybody would be free to drop by and grab the flash drive or other storage you had on the table to download and leave some files. In fact this was pretty close to file sharing parties. What do you think? (Yes, it is soooo dangerous, I like it! (And could be a new form of dating ;))
11 responses to “Live Drops”
I don’t think I’d be very interested in a Live Drop, or a Wireless Drop to be honest.
The complete bizarreness of finding a USB drive sticking out from brick-work was what got me excited and interested in DeadDrops
i really like the idea of developping new ‘drop’ versions and would not argue completely against the idea of lifedrops. but i think i agree to adam, one of the points i really like concerning the deaddrop is the already mentioned bizarrenes of finding the usb-port stiking out from brick-work in public space.
the idea of making the whole thing a little bit more personal is not bad.
curious to see how it develops.
best regards
Hi Aram,
I am amazed by the avalanche that your idea triggered. I believe it is becoming a movement and I wrote about it here http://thecops.wordpress.com/2011/03/16/dead-drops/
With regards to Live Drops, I think the potential is there: a hype, a trend, an event…
However, the anonymous aspect was a substantial part of the experience and was rendering the contemporary fetish of socializing in the mere opportunistic attempt to promote ones fabulous ideas and thus oneself.
Catch ya later in Berlin. I will be back there in April!
yes, i think the main focus will continue on the USB flash drives. it ll be the classic dead drop :) anonymity is important. i also like the fact that it is limited just to this but i would love to experiment with other formats. imagine DD t-shirts! people would talk to you what your latest files were :)
is it possible to stream from usb flash drives? for example if someone uploaded a movie onto one of the dead drops it could not be downloaded but you would have to stand there for 1.5hours – your computer plugged into the dead drop all the time – watching the movie. ok, i am not sure if this would work for anything except of movies, music, and games. but i’d like to see it :)
I don’t think that’s feasible with a USB drive, but could be done pretty easily with a wireless system (by presenting a link to a limited-bitrate stream rather than a direct link to the file). Someone could still “download” the streamed file rather than just watching if they wanted, but it would take the same amount of time…
yes, sure you simply play any kind of file from a USB flash drive like from a hard disk. you don t even need to stream it because it is mounted as a drive on your machine. and yes, it doesn t make sense to watch a movie like that because you could just copy the file to your drive and watch it at home.