Dead Drops youtube playlist
The Youtube user #USBdeaddrop made an effort to collect all videos dealing with DeadDrops in one or the other way. The result is this beautiful playlist of news reports, tutorials, documentations and more. There are whole lot of clips I haven t even seen before. So cool!! Thx!!
Dead Drops 2015!
In the past two months there has been again a lot of international press about DeadDrops. The DeadDrops project is running since November 2010, for four and a half years now. After the initial press buzz in 2010/11 the project kept spreading online with occasional press like after the Snowden releases etc. But just since […]
DeadDrops Status
A long awaited feature is finally rolled out. You can now set the status of a Deaddrop to working, unknown or broken. Check it out! http://deaddrops.com/db/
DeadDrops HackDay!!
DeadDrops HackDay June 22, 2014, Sunday, 12:00 pm – 12:00 am (save the date!) at awesome! c-base, Rungestr. 20, Berlin (map) We will brainstorm, discuss, hack and hang at Spree riverside with bbq and drinks! Open to everyone, free entrance, drop by any time! #webstreaming #IRC #beers #sun Deaddrops started in 2010. People from all over […]
Offline Filesharing WS docu
DeadDropDog Site specific intervention Material: Dog & Flashdrive Dimensions: 25x60x65 cm Aram Bartholl 2012 for K67_Urban Router by Kuc & Jan (opening August 2, Berlin) , credits: Marcello & Ray If you hang out at K67_Urban Router try to spot Ray and play with him. If you are nice and he likes you take a look […]
While Sjoerd (THX!!) was killing the pool we still could share files through the battery powered wifi Piratebox attached on his board!! No board sides please!!… ;) This was one of a series of experiments we, David Darts and I, did during a 3 day Offline Filesharing Workshop at Baltanlabs Eindhoven, Netherlands last week. The […]
Wall2.0: Dead Drops video (spanish)
Great explanatory video! Thx guys!!
Flying Wifi Drops :)
LOVE THIS!! http://torrentfreak.com/worlds-first-flying-file-sharing-drones-in-action-120320/ A few days ago The Pirate Bay announced that in future parts of its site could be hosted on GPS controlled drones. To many this may have sounded like a joke, but in fact these pirate drones already exist. Project “Electronic Countermeasures” has built a swarm of five fully operational drones which […]
The Walking DeadDrops
Love it!! :) Great vid! Congrats Jerome! “How to survive the post Internet censorship apocalypse – (Exhumed DeadDrops travel through publics transports) In a world where the Internet is being more and more monitored and filtered, there is a urge to find new ways to send and share data over uncensored networks. Apart from the […]