Das ‘Dead Drops’-Projekt ist durch den deutschen Künstler Aram Bartholl während seines Artist-in-Residece Aufenhtaltes bei EYEBEAM in New York City im Oktober 2010 initiert worden.
- Generelle Anfragen: [deaddrops at deaddrops dot com] oder Unten per Formular:
- Entwickler-team: [dev at deaddrops dot com]
- IRC channel: chat.freenode.net #deaddrops
Current team
- Dead Drops: Concept, Initiator, PR, design, WP-master: Aram Bartholl
- Dead Drops platform lead development : Robert Kraegenbring
- Dead Drops Android app: Wouter
- Dead Drops iPhone app: David / Logan
- Dead Drops forum & design support: JPhG
- Dead Drops logo design Hassan Shah aka Lugos
- thx to my good friend Bre Pettis who helped kicking off with a great title and made me think big :)
- thx to Andrew who started off the first version of DD data base in November 2010!
- thx to the great team of developers who are currently working on the platform!
- thx to an endless number of translators!
- thx to EYBEAM for making this possible during my stay in NYC in October 2010.
[contact-form 2 “Contact form 2”]
Aram Bartholl
Ackerstr. 38
10115 Berlin
Telefon: +49 30 60980161
E-Mail: deaddrops@deaddrops.com
Internet: www.deaddrops.com
Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer gemäß § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE249926138
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