[please help us to translate this page to dutch, contact: deaddrops at deaddrops .com]
‘Dead Drops’ is open for participation! Your are free to go for your own Dead Drop! If you want to install a Dead Drop in your city/neighborhood please follow ‘how to’ instruction below and submit the location and pictures when you are done in the form at the bottom of this page.
How to install a Dead Drop
- Read the Dead Drops manifesto!
- Get a USB flash drive of any size.
- Dismantle the plastic cover. (It has shown the stick stays more stable if you leave it on, feel free to experiment!)
- Wrap it in plummers tape to seal it off.
- Download the readme.txt and manifesto here (eng, french, esp, port, russ, dutch, ger, ita, chin , czech) , edit authorship/credits/date)and load it on the drive. [more translations are welocme!]
- Use fast setting concrete to cement the stick in a crack or hole.
- Make sure to make the wall look nice afterwards, eventually you ll need some color for touch up.
- Make sure to place it in a way that it can be accessed directly with a laptop. (Not everybody has an extension cable)
- USB ports locations on laptops are different from model to model. The ‘front side’ (2 holes of the plug) points up! Is the left side port and right side port on a laptop accessible?
- Optional you could use epoxy putty to glue the flash drive to other objects.
- Take 3 good pictures!
– Overview of the street/place, how does your city look like?
– Approximate location of your Dead Drop, medium distance.
– Closeup! We want to see your Dead Drop!
Optional check also the instructions by frenzy on Instructables.com
Submit your Dead Drop location, pictures, description and authorship/credits info at the Dead Drops database. ( This is a first straight forward version, the Data Base will be updated with more features etc soon)
Submit here!