Deaddrops Logo Contest Award Ceremony :)

Thanks soo much to everyone who contributed to the dead drops logo contest on jovoto !!! It was very exiting and challenging at the same time. There were many very good designs and interesting concepts. Congrats to the community voting winner mariagroenlund !! After a long and tough process I’ve decided to choose LUGOS design concept 11513 (2nd board) for the new dead drops logo! Congrats LUUUUGOOOOOS!!

I am also thinking of approaching some of you to contribute your designs for a dead drops T-shirt collection. I feel sorry that I had to turn down so many good proposals, you did a great job!

Thx to jovoto for making this possible!! Thx to all contest contributers! Thx to the dead drops team for all their coding and work on the dead drops project! Thx to all you supporters and droppers out there!!

Long live the flash drive!! :)

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