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Total USB-drops: 2333
Total USB-storage: ~ 74611 GB

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Date Created Name Address City State Country Size Status
2017-11-17 BL Richmond Virginia US 14 GB
2018-03-30 7398 Old Madison Pike, Huntsville, AL 7398 Old Madison Pike Huntsville Alabama US 16 GB
2018-06-05 The Bridge on 500 North 1534 W 500 N Vernal Utah US 8 GB
2018-06-06 Milt's Ace Hardware 690 W 100 N Vernal Utah US 8 GB
2018-06-14 Sergio 17522 Bullis Gap dr Hockley Texas US 2 TB
2018-07-19 death drop pine bluff arkansas US 32 GB
2018-07-18 userdrop 60 South High Street Akron Ohio US 1 TB
2018-07-19 Ellis 700 Boylston Street Boston Massachusetts US 16 GB
2018-08-01 Forward Steps 4950 E Easter Ave Centennial Colorado US 830 KB
2018-08-02 Church Drop 15 School street Absecon NJ US 1 GB
2018-08-05 Drop Bayside 100 Perry St, Gulfport, MS 39507 Gulfport Mississippi US 2 GB
2018-08-05 Tom Slick Drop 7400 Texas 151 Access Rd San Antonio Texas US 16 GB
2018-09-20 Dead drop tree 3200 Talimore Cir, Marietta, GA 30066 marietta Georgia US 37 GB
2018-08-12 Arts and crafts 4901 Penn Avenue Pittsburgh Pennsylvania US 2 GB
2018-08-20 Henry B Ganzolas drop 900 E Market St, San Antonio, TX 78205 San Antonio Texas US 16 GB
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Map shows DeadDrops from list above

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