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Total USB-drops: 2333
Total USB-storage: ~ 74611 GB

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Date Created Name Address City State Country Size Status
2025-01-29 WaterWalk Inagi-city, Yanokuchi Tokyo JP 32 GB
2019-02-28 Первый Ржевский Dead Drop ул. Телешева д. 23 / Telesheva st. 23 Ржев / Rzhev Тверская Область / Tver' State RU 36 GB
2018-09-20 Dead drop tree 3200 Talimore Cir, Marietta, GA 30066 marietta Georgia US 37 GB
2022-07-24 Brest 3 Jardin de Laninon Brest Bretagne FR 37 GB
2022-12-05 test3 Invalidenstr 42 Berlin Berlin DE 40 GB
2024-05-21 z FR 41 GB
2015-03-09 U WOT M8? Lime Avenue ebbw vale Wales GB 48 GB
2013-03-27 platform4 karolinelundsvej 40 Aalborg DK 50 GB
2019-05-29 SKK Thomästraße Soest Nordrhein-Westfalen DE 50 GB
2021-12-16 Community Census (WorldWide) DeathDrop NZ NZ 50 GB
2012-10-17 Gentoomen 10401 Harvestime Pl Riverview Florida US 60 GB
2013-11-24 PirateBox Weintraubenstraße Dresden DE 60 GB
2024-10-07 Piratebox-1337 Herbergstr. Schwelm NRW DE 60 GB
2015-02-20 Walmart Picnic Table 13420 W Coal Mine Ave Littleton Colorado US 64 GB
2015-02-20 the steps on the North side of Johnson Reservoir S.E. corner of 8086 W. Bowles Ave Littleton Colorado US 64 GB
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Map shows DeadDrops from list above

full site at deaddrops.com