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Total USB-drops: 2333
Total USB-storage: ~ 74611 GB

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Date Created Name Address City State Country Size Status
2015-02-20 The North East side of the South West Plasa 8501 W Bowles Ave. Littleton Colorado US 64 GB
2015-02-20 C-470 Bikeway side Bridge South of 13420 W Coal Mine Ave Littleton CO US 64 GB
2015-03-16 Kendallvue School Baseball Fence 13658 West Marlowe Ave Morrison CO US 64 GB
2015-04-12 Villetta Piazza Boris Giuliano Piazza Armerina Italy IT 64 GB
2015-05-03 C470 Bikeway bridge over 285 Morrison Colorado US 64 GB
2016-04-22 BurritoDrop 1499 Wynkoop St Denver Colorado US 64 GB
2016-04-22 WritersSquare 1512 Larimer St Denver Colorado US 64 GB
2016-07-07 Fabelo Asturias Street corner Tenerife Street Puerto del Rosario Las Palmas ES 64 GB
2016-09-29 HueBr 64G Praça Dr Gama Birigui São Paulo BR 64 GB
2017-10-18 Coldstorage Grote markt NL 64 GB
2019-05-25 la_boite_a_bonheur 18 boulevarde de la liberté Arras FR 64 GB
2020-05-06 La Chartreuse - Liège by Élève Libre Rue Achille Lebeau 4030 Liège Liège Liège BE 64 GB
2021-05-01 Huetamo Av batallon de huetamo s/n al lado del Taco Miendo HUETAMO MICHOACÁN DE OCAMPO MX 64 GB
2020-08-06 Lupin via roma 1 Galzignano Terme PD IT 64 GB
2023-04-23 Dead Drop Grieshabergasse Haslach i.K. BW DE 64 GB
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Map shows DeadDrops from list above

full site at deaddrops.com