New Drop at and on Instructables!
Yessss! San Francisco in da house! Nice! Great job Frenzy! (some blue color would make it perfect++ ;-) And thx for the awesome Dead Drop how to on instructables.com ! (btw, like the new design, congrats!) Finally the instructables community can publish really interesting How to’s :-) (which normally get censored on the Instructables platform […]
1st Drop in Sweden!
Nice 1st drop in Sweden (Pirate-country;-) in a pedestrian tunnel! (waterproof!) Like that! Great job Nick!
Ideas on the DDs database
It’s awesome to see that more Dead Dops come in every day! We are counting 20 Dead Drops worldwide now, which equals ca. 40 GB of file-sharing storage ;-) Thx to everybody participating in this project! Keep up the good work! In the meanwhile I want to share some thoughts on our database plans. First […]
More Drops!
4 new drops since last update! Waterloo Math Building in Waterloo, Canda ! (University campus at bike racks) nice one AVA ! his 2nd drop! Sojus 7 in Germany, Monheim (between Köln and Düseldorf) in a club !?! not sure if this is public enough. do you bring your notebook to the vlub?!? what does […]
Erfurt update – great closeup!
Pic update by Skoef! Niiiiiice closeup, yes! Is that house for sale?!? ;-) (Original Erfurt post here)
Read’s Book Shop – Canada
Yeah!! Some special features and extra goodies! Love the brick wall! (Zoom in!) Great job Anthony! Plug Into Read’s Book Shop. Dead Drop installed at Read’s Book Shop, Carleton Place, Ontario. Side of building on right. Check for future book reviews and coupons! 130 Lansdowne Ave. Carleton Place, ON GPS 45-07.9919N 76-09.3383W
Atlanta on the map!
Parking lot shopping center, yes! (Show us some closup Soggy! We wanna see it all!! ;-) Thx Soghetto!! Roswell Road in Marietta GA (where it intersects with Highway 75 a block from “the big chicken” its in the town and country shopping center, the burlington coat factory parking lot. look at the retaining wall behind […]
Söhne Mannheims!
Hey Daniel! Central station is a great choice! Tons of people commute there every day. (Please submit some pics showing the whole place and the “Ihr Platz” drug store.) Mannheim, Germany on board! Thx Dan!! Update: thx for the new pic Dan! the deaddrop is inside the main station, from the main entrance on the […]
¡Hola Espagna!
1st Dead Drop in Spain, Valencia! Great graffiti wall Sucan! (it s funny to see that Google has a hard time to map and street view all those little alleys … ) thx Sucan!! Corner “Carrer de la Creu” and “Carrer D’en Roda”, 46003 Valencia, Spain This Dead Drop is located deep inside Valencia’s “Barrio […]