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Id: 1514
Name: BSDeathdrive Loc15
Drop-Type: USB drop
Size: 16 GB
Date Created: 2014-05-02
Address: College Green, St George's Rd,, Bristol , GB
Coordinates: 51.45190 N 2.60392 W
Permalink: www.deaddrops.com/db/?page=view&id=1514

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BSDdeathdrive is an off-line file sharing network actively rejecting the online and virtual world creating an anonymous, untraceable and underground activity mapping the city. The Deathdrives (USB sticks) will be installed at accessible public locations and art organisations across Bristol. Acting also as a distribution tool kit for artists, the subcultural network it creates and the files shared, aim to initiate a range of art activities.

To keep up with progress of the project go here: http://bsdeathdrive.tumblr.com/
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