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Id: 928
Name: Shelter/Sh4nty
Drop-Type: USB drop
Size: 4 GB
Date Created: 2012-02-29
Address: 1850 Hope St, Philadelphia Pennsylvania, US
Coordinates: 39.97780 N 75.13430 W
Permalink: www.deaddrops.com/db/?page=view&id=928

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Located across from the 1850 Hope St entrance to the Berks Warehouse, around the corner from the Berks station on the El subway.

This drive contains artwork by artists in conjunction with the Little Berlin exhibit Flash Fl00d. http://littleberlin.org/flashfl00d

Drive theme: Shelter/Sh4nty
Description: One of the most powerful images and public phenomena from the end of 2011 was the springing forth of tent cities as part of Occupy Wall Street. The spontaneous creation of improvised communities were inspiring if complex and ultimately evicted spaces. The artists on this drive have contributed photos, video, text and audio documenting, imagining, or rethinking dwellings from humble shantytowns to gross McMansions.

This drive contains artwork by:
Cyril Verde, JPG, Paris
Jason Hsu, JPG, Philadelphia
Kathryn Sclavi, JPG, Philadelphia
Brent Wadden, JPG, Berlin
Tim Bieniosek, JPG, New Jersey
David Leapman, JPG, California
Ian Campbell, JPG, Los Angeles
Ashira Siegel, JPG, Los Angeles
Brianna Bakke, JPG, Los Angeles
Douglas McCulloh, JPG, California
Mark Price, JPG, Philadelphia
Lee Tusman, PDF, Philadelphia
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