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Id: 1951
Name: UME_AXT40
Drop-Type: USB drop
Size: 8 GB
Date Created: 2016-06-18
Address: Axtorpsvägen 40, Umeå Västerbotten, SE
Coordinates: 63.82500 N 20.30630 E
Permalink: www.deaddrops.com/db/?page=view&id=1951

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Status was set to unconfirmed, may be broken on 2024-12-11 08:20:20 (UTC)
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The drop is located in the municipal student housing complex on Axtorpsvägen 40. Doors are open 03:00 - 22:00.
It is placed indoors on the entrance floor in the brick wall corner near the stairwell.
USB extension required if you are using laptop.

If you are thirsty for some hackerbrause the convenience store ICA Berghem is near by and sell Club Mate and Club Mate Cola! Opening hours, 09:00 - 23:46

This drop is provided for you by the Young Pirates of Norrland.
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