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Id: 1947
Name: DeadDrop
Drop-Type: USB drop
Size: 4 GB
Date Created: 2016-06-10
Address: Piazza della Canonica 3, 39020 Glorenza Glurns, Bolzano, Italien, Glorenza , IT
Coordinates: 46.67100 N 10.55340 E
Permalink: www.deaddrops.com/db/?page=view&id=1947

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The USB drop is inside the atelier GAP Glurns Art Point.
The drop was part of a series of project proposed to the association by the curator in residence Davide Bevilacqua. http://www.davidebevilacqua.com/

You find the Dead Drop at the first floor of the house, in the corridor that leads to the sleeping rooms.
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