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Id: 150
Name: bad onion
Drop-Type: USB drop
Size: 4 GB
Date Created: 2010-12-27
Address: 1905 nw loop 281, Longview TX, US
Coordinates: 32.52380 N 94.78710 W
Permalink: www.deaddrops.com/db/?page=view&id=150

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Status was set to unconfirmed, may be broken on 2024-12-11 04:34:40 (UTC)
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Will need cable; drive is a 4gb Cruzer imbedded in epoxy and in aluminum tube, has rubber skirt to protect the connector with working drive light !
On the green hand rail, by steps, so you can sit down and play. Installed raw, but will check to see if used and will put some things on if so. Don�t spam or destroy, just enjoy!
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