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Id: 1325
Name: Röda Sten Konsthall
Drop-Type: USB drop
Size: 8 GB
Date Created: 2013-06-26
Address: Röda Sten 1, Gothenburg , SE
Coordinates: 57.68920 N 11.90220 E
Permalink: www.deaddrops.com/db/?page=view&id=1325

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Hello! I found dead drop at youtube today cause I transcribe to makezine's channel.
Then I went here and read the Manifest.
I thought it was a slendid art concept, idea etc!
I began to wonder where i would put up a thing like this and the first place that comes to my mind was Röda Sten Konsthallen. Hope they agree!
A gallery for contamporary art here in Gothenburg.
I've put it up there last evening in a natural hole in the brick wall.
I droped the manifesto on a readme.txt file and I start droping a sound art project into a folder named T3XTUR3S.
It containes a readme file, collage and a sound file.

Hope random people will interact in the near future.

Best regards
Jörgen Andersson
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