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Id: 1241
Name: Fantawesome Mr. Fox
Drop-Type: Wireless drop
Date Created: 2013-02-14
Address: 1201 W University Drive, Edinburg Texas, US
Coordinates: 26.30690 N 98.17350 E
Permalink: www.deaddrops.com/db/?page=view&id=1241

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Hey guys. Fantastic Mr. Fox here.

I left the wireless Piratebox (file sharing) and Shoutbox (anon chat) hidden in the ceiling but connected so the network would be there for more students to use.

There's no need for you (or others) to find it. Just enjoy the freedom of information sharing and anonymity.

How to:

1.- Go to UTPA Library.
2.- Connect to "Piratebox-Share Freely" **
3.- Open Google or any other webpage in your browser
4.- explore! it's all there! :D You should see an anonymous chat, and be able to browse and upload files anonymously.

** The signal is stronger near the tables in the third floor. Because the signal comes from right above in the ceiling. For this reason, you might be able to access it on the fourth floor if you're close.


I would love to take credit for this, but I don't want to get in trouble with silly UTPA officials.

We're stuck at 32GB. If you have the knowledge, feel free to make your own with better storage, and I will help fill it in with good stuff.
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