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Id: 1097
Name: Atlantis
Drop-Type: USB drop
Size: 4 GB
Date Created: 2012-07-17
Address: Hauptplatz 153, Landsberg am Lech Bavaria, DE
Coordinates: 48.04990 N 10.87640 E
Permalink: www.deaddrops.com/db/?page=view&id=1097

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Your funny Story was, that we read about Deaddrops and thought, why aren't there any Deaddrops in LL so we just droped one! =)
The DeadDrops can be found at the specified address (I tried to locate it properly with GoogleMaps so you get put it in your GPS, but don't fully relay on that! ;)) on a metal bar, where you can chain you bike to! Or just let loiter it there!
This wasn't only my doing. My friend Jonas helped to!

Original file on the Drop:
- Manifest
- Readme
- Kooky (Movie)
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full site at deaddrops.com