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Total USB-drops: 2333
Total USB-storage: ~ 74611 GB

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Date Created Name Address City State Country Size Status
2020-02-03 Lucifer v1.0 UA 128 GB
2024-06-28 WDD NRW 01 Dornenbrede 17 & Umkreis Rheine (Rodde) Nordrhein-Westfalen DE 128 GB
2012-07-24 WIDROP 50 Newcombe Road Coventry GB 140 GB
2020-10-07 Houghton dead drop 312 E Montezuma Ave. Houghton Michigan US 140 GB
2017-09-11 DDK1 Kaunas LT 160 GB
2016-12-28 Revive Ltd ul. Sveti Kniaz Boris 15, Stara Zagora , Bulgaria Stara Zagora Bulgaria BG 160 GB
2014-07-02 first of the persia shshrak-e-gharb_sanaat st_turn left_fadak Park tehran tehran IR 186 GB
2016-05-05 Post Office Karan Drop At PO Karan GJ IN 256 GB
2016-12-03 Ajaj Cage Pharr Texas US 256 GB
2024-10-27 Robert F. Clement Park steps 8086 W Bowles Ave Littleton Colorado US 256 GB
2024-11-15 Weaver Gulch Trail Pedestrian Tunnel 4334 S Simms St Littleton Colorado US 256 GB
2012-05-17 Noisebridge 2169 Mission St. San Francisco California US 300 GB
2013-10-14 Drop By The Riverside 750 SW Naito Pkwy Portland OR US 364 GB
2012-08-20 Dropbox 5 East Main Street Washingtonville New York US 512 GB
2012-08-20 Joe-B Guest 5 East Main Street Washingtonville New York US 512 GB
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Map shows DeadDrops from list above

full site at deaddrops.com