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Total USB-drops: 2333
Total USB-storage: ~ 74611 GB

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Date Created Name Address City State Country Size Status
2023-10-12 LA DROGHERIA DEADDROP Piazza Vittorio Veneto 18d TURIN PIEDMONT IT 64 GB
2024-10-20 Yet another abandoned house Ulitsa Gabdully Tukaya, 103 Kazan Tatarstan Republic RU 64 GB
2024-12-13 Bega Park pipe cage 2250 Main St Littleton Colorado US 64 GB
2014-06-02 piratebox Alsterdorferstrasse 331 Hamburg Hamburg DE 100 GB
2015-02-21 Revive Ltd. ul. Sveti Kniaz Boris 15, Stara Zagora , BG Stara Zagora BG 100 GB
2015-02-21 Revive Ltd. Stara Zagora ul. Sveti Kniaz Boris 15, Stara Zagora , BG, Stara Zagora , BG Stara Zagora BG 100 GB
2015-02-21 share your friends block 244 ang mo kio ave 1 Ang MoKio singapore SG 100 GB
2011-02-06 IOU beer joans street Sydney NSW AU 120 GB
2019-08-22 PirateBox Melanchthonstraße Dresden Saxony DE 120 GB
2015-09-22 CP Pushkeen str. house number 5 Moscow RU 128 GB
2016-11-23 112 GB of porn (18+) Whittemore rd National city Michigan US 128 GB
2016-11-24 porn NOT GAY 666 hellbois dr that boi hamisgood AL 128 GB
2018-07-27 ---------------------- 66 E maple st Dallastown Pennsylvania US 128 GB
2017-11-02 PirateBox Marktplatz Großalmerode Hessen DE 128 GB
2020-02-03 Lucifer v1.0 UA 128 GB
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Map shows DeadDrops from list above

full site at deaddrops.com