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Total USB-drops: 2333
Total USB-storage: ~ 74611 GB

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Date Created Name Address City State Country Size Status
2013-12-03 Community USB 47 Court Square Harrisonburg VIRGINIA US 4 GB
2013-12-26 Troll's Toll 1798 Roosevelt St. Falls Church Virginia US 8 GB
2017-11-17 BL Richmond Virginia US 14 GB
2016-04-19 DeadDrop_ViroviticaCollege Matije Gupca 78 Virovitica Virovitičko-podravska HR 8 GB
2016-12-20 Zelaieta Jauregibarria etorbidea Amorebieta Vizcaya ES 8 GB
2010-12-03 Up High Collective DD1 tervuursevest 130 Leuven Vlaams Brabant BE 2 GB
2010-11-26 Sikuti Machine Trg slobode 7 Zrenjanin Vojvodina SR 2 GB
2013-04-14 Liberty 8 Voli avenue (central park) Lutsk Volyn UA
2011-10-30 Lavoir-Théâtre George Brassens Epinal Vosges FR 4 GB
2013-09-23 The night of the living dead-drop Damblain Vosges FR 4 GB
2010-11-28 Kinnear Park W Olympic Pl & 7th Ave W Seattle WA US 2 GB
2011-01-31 Gum Alley, Pike Place Market Post Alley Seattle WA US 128 MB
2011-01-31 Fremont Bridge NW corner Fremont Bridge Seattle WA US 8 GB
2011-10-07 Woosh0 Guthrie Annex 4, Grant Lane Seattle WA US 4 GB
2013-11-30 Post Alley - The Tasting Room 1924 Post Alley Seattle WA US 2 GB
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Map shows DeadDrops from list above

full site at deaddrops.com