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Total USB-drops: 2333
Total USB-storage: ~ 74611 GB

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Date Created Name Address City State Country Size Status
2010-11-10 Sojus 7 Kapellenstr.38 Monheim NRW DE 4 GB
2010-11-10 Rheingalerie Im Zollhof 3 Ludwigshafen Rheinland-Pfalz DE 4 GB
2010-11-10 RWTH drop look at description Aachen NRW DE 2 GB
2010-11-10 Willard School drop 120 North Elk Street Casper Wyoming US 2 GB
2010-11-11 Stora Lee Magasinsgatan 1 Dals-Ed SE SE 512 MB
2010-11-11 Instructables 82 2nd st San Francisco California US 4 GB
2010-11-12 urban dropout Sachsendamm Berlin Berlin DE 4 GB
2010-11-14 1st Barcelona deaddrop. at Auditorio by RaStiScaR C/ Padilla with Av/ Meridiana Barcelona Barcelona ES 4 GB
2010-11-14 First in The Netherlands (holland) Nieuwe Bouwlingstraat 2 Oosterhout Noord-Brabant NL 2 GB
2010-11-15 Orlando Drop/Florida's first dead drop! 6 West Pine Street Orlando Florida US 4 GB
2010-11-15 Clarendon Station Park 3111 Clarendon Blvd Arlington VA US 256 MB
2010-11-15 DR WHO A350 parkstone road Poole Dorset UK 2 GB
2010-11-15 Dead drop Louvre (1st drop in Paris!) Jardin du Carrousel Paris Ile-de-France FR 4 GB
2010-11-16 Baja Fresh Clarendon Plaza 2815 Clarendon Blvd Arlington VA US 2 GB
2010-11-16 Eventide 3165 Wilson Boulevard Arlington VA US 256 MB
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Map shows DeadDrops from list above

full site at deaddrops.com