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Total USB-drops: 2333
Total USB-storage: ~ 74611 GB

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Date Created Name Address City State Country Size Status
2016-10-30 Jacks Jump 1005 broadway ave east mckeeseport Pennsylvania US 2 TB
2016-11-26 St Tennial Park Grand Dr Sydney Nsw AU 2 TB
2016-11-26 St Tennial resubmitted Grand Dr Sydney NSW AU 2 TB
2018-06-14 Sergio 17522 Bullis Gap dr Hockley Texas US 2 TB
2020-09-03 Fake money (low cost metod) Villa Comunale Pomigliano d'arco Napoli IT 2 TB
2024-03-07 LöwenData Dülmener Straße 16 Münster NRW DE 2 TB
2016-12-05 Vile Files Highdown School, Surley Row Reading Berkshire GB 4 TB
2017-10-18 Ams centraal Amsterdam centraal Amsterdam NL 4 TB
2018-07-19 dead drop leyland 56 Ryden Avenue LEYLAND lancishire GB 4 TB
2018-07-22 Elmo 5 Musical Court Gold Coast Queensland AU 4 TB
2019-06-26 Sub to inkblowout and ArkanGTs AF 4 TB
2019-10-25 011001000111001001101111011100000101111100110001 Denver Colorado US 4 TB
2019-10-25 011001000111001001101111011100000101111100110001 Colorado US 4 TB
2019-11-22 s2?:6= qC2?5@? r@@A6C Foothills Pkwy Overpass Boulder Colorado US 4 TB
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Map shows DeadDrops from list above

full site at deaddrops.com