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Total USB-drops: 2333
Total USB-storage: ~ 74611 GB

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Date Created Name Address City State Country Size Status
2020-10-07 Houghton dead drop 312 E Montezuma Ave. Houghton Michigan US 140 GB
2020-10-01 cheats 6202 North Oxford Dr. spokane washington US 1 GB
2021-01-24 U SUK Clayton MO US 4 TB
2021-09-17 Dedd dDrop 53 Lake Forest Cir Conroe Texas US 256 MB
2021-01-24 Kitty Hut US 4 TB
2020-06-01 piratebox 101 South Michigan Avenue, pasadena CA US 12 GB
2020-06-01 piratebox (fixed) US 12 GB
2020-08-11 El Cajon Trail Drop 5317 Los Altos Ln Yorba Linda CA US 1 GB
2021-09-15 Do you want to play a game? 200 E High St Hicksville Ohio US 2 GB
2021-11-19 DD2 1201 W University Dr, Edinburg, TX 78539 Edinburg Texas US 16 GB
2020-04-30 Zakberg Code: Blue 6933 NE 55th St. Kansas City Missouri US 1 TB
2020-03-30 Agent 1953 1335 Meadow Moor Dr. Beavercreek Ohio US 2 GB
2020-02-10 Miami Wynwood DeadDrop 101 NW 23rd St Miami Florida US 1 GB
2020-01-06 Tree of Knowledge McCowin Park Ammon Idaho US 16 GB
2019-12-10 Dead Drop G Longwood place Fultondale Alabama US
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Map shows DeadDrops from list above

full site at deaddrops.com