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Total USB-drops: 2333
Total USB-storage: ~ 74611 GB

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Date Created Name Address City State Country Size Status
2012-03-20 Full Sail Dead Drop 3200 University Blvd Winter Park Florida US 4 GB
2016-11-04 Cady Drop 335 North Semoran Boulevard Winter Park Florida US 16 GB
2011-03-13 WINTIwunDeRtOPf Zürcherstrasse 1 Winterthur Zürich CH 4 GB
2011-10-09 Micky andrews street wisconsin WI WISCONSIN US 1 GB
2011-04-18 Juto Am Hafen Wismar Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania DE 2 GB
2011-04-14 The Old and the newWoergl, Tyrol Fritz-Atzl-Strasse 8 Woergl Tyrol AT 4 GB
2018-07-13 sgicase company profile Woodlands Drive 44, Block 553 woodlands woodlands SG
2012-03-25 Arts Workshop 21 Sansome Street Town Centre, Worcester Worcester Worcestershire GB
2012-04-07 Art Gallery Taylors Lane Worcester Worcestershire GB 8 GB
2012-04-07 Canal Worcester Sidbury Worcester Worcestershire GB 8 GB
2012-04-07 City Walls Worcester City Walls Road Worcester Worcestershire GB 8 GB
2018-08-13 O and K FRIAR STREET Worcester Worcestershire GB 2 GB
2018-08-13 O and K B4205 Worcester Worcestershire GB 4 GB
2019-08-01 Empyrean01 End of Trotshill Lane E Worcester Worcestershire GB 8 GB
2013-12-11 DEADDROP001 Ostrowskiego 30 Wrocław Dolnośląskie PL 8 GB
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Map shows DeadDrops from list above

full site at deaddrops.com