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Total USB-drops: 2333
Total USB-storage: ~ 74611 GB

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Date Created Name Address City State Country Size Status
2012-08-20 Joe-B Guest 5 East Main Street Washingtonville New York US 512 GB
2011-03-20 Seeking for connection Conrad Roentgen Strasse Wasserliesch Rheinland Pfalz DE 1 GB
2010-11-09 Waterloo Math Building 200 University Ave W Waterloo ON CA 2 GB
2010-11-21 The Resistance 59 King Street North Waterloo ON CA 1 GB
2015-03-17 Brooks Corner of Brooks st. and Pleasant st. Watertown Massachussets US 2 GB
2015-04-19 Bike Path Wall 170 Pleasant Street Watertown Massachussets US 8 GB
2015-02-18 Dead Drop #1438 114 N Rogers St. Waxahachie Texas US 32 GB
2017-04-25 刘森林 Shandong vocational college of science and technology,Wifang,sha Weifang shandong province CN
2015-09-03 Weimar RAF Schillerstraße Weimar DE 2 GB
2011-01-19 Left Bank Dead Drop 104 Left Bank Wellington Wellington NZ 4 GB
2011-07-03 Bond St Park 30 bond st Wellington NZ
2011-07-06 Piss Alley Left Bank, Te Aro, Wellington Wellington NZ 8 GB
2012-12-12 Opera House Lane Opera House Lane Wellington NZ 8 GB
2016-10-20 WEBDROP 65 Abel Smith St, Te Aro, Wellington 6011 Wellington Somerset NZ 8 GB
2013-07-22 Tor Street Dog Park Dog park, Tor Street, Wells, Somerset. Wells Somerset GB 2 GB
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Map shows DeadDrops from list above

full site at deaddrops.com