DD iphone app!!
Yesss!! Dead Drops iPhone app now available at the iTunes store !! By Ross Thompson, awesome work!! Thx man!!
Squirrel started the first DeadDrop app for android! Great! Still beta but check it out here. iPhone will be next!
Lyon is on fire!
[Service Disclaimer: I have a bunch of translations which still need to be published sitting here. (german [I am german myself!], italian, chinese … ) I ve been very busy with other work and travelling recently. I ll get on this soon!] Check the great pics below and a french article here. A band started […]
Ideas on the DDs database
It’s awesome to see that more Dead Dops come in every day! We are counting 20 Dead Drops worldwide now, which equals ca. 40 GB of file-sharing storage ;-) Thx to everybody participating in this project! Keep up the good work! In the meanwhile I want to share some thoughts on our database plans. First […]
Call for coders!
Andrew offered me help getting a data base started for the Dead Drops world domination movement ;-) and he already began coding a PHP/MySQL sign up platform DD DB etc. If you re interested to join and help out on this please contact or drop by our IRC chat.freenode.net #deaddrops channel.