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Id: 156
Name: Stuttgart21 ?
Drop-Type: USB drop
Size: 4 GB
Date Created: 2011-01-07
Address: Am Schlossgarten, Stuttgart Baden-Wuertenberg, DE
Coordinates: 48.78590 N 9.18531 E
Permalink: www.deaddrops.com/db/?page=view&id=156

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Status was set to broken/dead/stolen/gone on 2020-04-13 06:07:04 (UTC)
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Here is the third dead drop in Stuttgart [but the 2nd one died :( ]

It s located some meters away from the south entrance of the main station in Stuttgart and also in the future project area of Stuttgart21. Maybe once, the definition of "data-graveyard" will be redefined ?

I hope i ll finde there some nice stuff in the next days ;)

Btw: I m going to promote the dead-drops in the art-scene of Stuttgart and you could help me with that! Tell about the dead-drop-project to all of your known local artits (music, film, pictures..... -whatever art-stuff is able to compress into a datafile) to use the dead drops as a promoting network and to put some stuff on them. Thanks for that :)

You can read the whole story about the drop on zzaxx s Blog if you are interested. Unfortunately there is just a German version at the time but the translation will be online soon!

zzaxx s Blog about the DeadDrops:

Best regards and happy sharing,
-Kreuzi & zzaxx
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