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Total USB-drops: 2333
Total USB-storage: ~ 74611 GB

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Date Created Name Address City State Country Size Status
2010-11-17 1st Maltese Dead Drop Msida Skate Park Msida MT MT 2 GB
2010-11-08 1st drop in europe Pergamentergasse 42 Erfurt Thuringia DE 1 GB
2011-11-13 1st Drop @Salzburg Steingasse 20 Salzburg Salzburg AT 8 GB
2011-11-26 1st deadrop @ Redwood City 935 Brewster Avenue Redwood City California US 1 GB
2010-11-08 1st DD in Spain Carrer de la Creu Valencia Valencia ES 128 MB
2010-11-14 1st Barcelona deaddrop. at Auditorio by RaStiScaR C/ Padilla with Av/ Meridiana Barcelona Barcelona ES 4 GB
2016-06-17 1st Rabochaya 37 Troitsk Chelyabinskaya Oblast RU 8 GB
2016-06-17 1st Rabochaya 37 Troitsk Chelyabinskaya Oblast RU 8 GB
2012-02-29 1nside/0utside 1614 Latimer St. Philadelphia Pennsylvania US 2 GB
2014-08-14 1GB Ganderkesee Church Ring Ganderkesee Lower Saxony DE 1 GB
2013-03-01 1DDMAYENNE Tour / Château - Parc des Forges ARON Pays de la Loire FR 4 GB
2011-09-08 1Africa Pedu Junction Cape Coast GH 2 GB
2015-02-13 180 KM29 Km 29 Hwy 180 Merida/Chetumal Hwy Tecoh Yucatan MX
2016-11-23 112 GB of porn (18+) Whittemore rd National city Michigan US 128 GB
2011-04-28 1. Kasseler Dead Drop Kochstrasse 16 Kassel Hessen DE 4 GB
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Map shows DeadDrops from list above

full site at deaddrops.com